A friend worked two or three years past her preferred retirement date. The reason: To help out her grown daughter. The help? $100,000+ to pay for a surrogate-mother pregnancy. The twins that ensued: priceless.
Many of us toil on for similar--if less dramatic--reasons. Before we settle into the tensions of a fixed income, we want the extra bit of wherewithal to help our grown children with ordinary and extraordinary needs. Sometimes it's to help with the down payment on their first house or to pay for top-tier day care for a Grand.
If several of us are guilty of working well past retirement age to aid and abet our grown children, we are not alone. In Canada, half of parents surveyed reported that they will retire later or work longer and one-third said they would save less for their own retirement to support their adult children financially, according to a BMO Wealth Management Report
The report, titled aptly enough "The Family Bank" looked at the financial support Canadian parents are providing their young adult children (aged 18-34) and compared it with the kind of support the parents say they received from their parents when they were young adults.
What kind of support are we talking about?
--19% are providing regular ongoing expenses; only 7% received such support from their parents.
--23% give frequently when help is needed, such as payment of a monthly bill; 6% had received that kind of help when they were young.
--38% help out occasionally, such as in an emergency; 39% got that kind of assistance from their parents.
--20% give little or no help; 48% were totally on their own financially as young adults.
Here's a link to more data in the form of infographics from BMO (which is part of the Bank of Montreal)
The bank's takeaway from its report:
These days, many parents feel they are on track to being financially comfortable but worry that their children are not going to attain the same level of comfort just on their own resources.
In consequence of our children growing up in these two worlds, parenting has become more than doubly complicated. We have to help our kids keep the two worlds adequately separated, adequately integrated, and adequately balanced.
What's that got to do with millennials living at home in greater numbers than usual? It may be that online escape or reliance has come at the experience of offline education and experience. As Pickhardt sees it, "it might be that much of the hard work of growing up (building practical offline skills, problem solving offline experience, assuming offline responsibilities) requires laboring in the fields of relatively unglamorous and comparatively boring offline life. In this way, they may have slowed down the development of functional independence."Thus some millennials may choose to live a while longer at home where they can continue to be sheltered and defer self-support and direction. They may need more offline time and practice before feeling ready to move out and live independently.
Perhaps it just takes longer to grow up in two worlds than it used to in one. Maybe learning adequate separation, integration, and balance required by today's dual citizenship just takes more time.
If this is so, the new normal may be here to stay. We might not want to convert their bedrooms to our own private dens quite yet.
There's another reason to keep those rooms available.
Housing economist Jed Kolko addresses the question: Why Millennials Still Live With Their Parents
His concern is with first-time home buyer demand, but here's his take on millennials (who are not flooding the housing market) :