Those of us whose grown kids live in other cities, countries or remote time zones, the holidays are a time of reunion. Somehow, we manage to get at least some of us together. Often at our home base.
It feels so great to have the house filled with the noise and shuffle of our kids and their families. And then, of course, they take off. A friend, whose two grown sons are both musicians, said it all and succinctly on her facebook page:
"The Christmas boys are gone, along with their Isaye sonatas and piano improvisations. Time to get used to a quiet house again. Sniff."
I am feeling the same Sniff after a four-day visit from alpha daughter and her family. So wonderful to have the house alive--alpha daughter doing yoga in front of the fireplace; my Grand setting up some elaborate American Girl village under the piano, and my son in law cooking us great meals. Now, not a peep. Sniff